Chantal Akerman x Niña Weijers: Book Presentation + Films

Chantal Akerman x Niña Weijers: Book Presentation + Films

Niña Weijers, the author of Kamers antika­mers, De con­se­quen­ties and Cassandra (Atlas Contact), wro­te the fore­word to the new, Dutch transla­ti­on of Chantal Akerman’s well-known book My Mother Laughs, issued by the inde­pen­dent publis­hing hou­se Koppernik. Akerman wro­te about her child­hood, her mother’s esca­pe from Auschwitz and how their rela­ti­ons­hip sha­ped her work.

Niña Weijers will have a talk with art cri­tic and cura­tor Joséphine Vandekerckhove about Chantal Akerman and her own work.

Followed by a scree­ning of two rare­ly shown films by Chantal Akerman about mothers.

