Screening Room

In the Screening Room, Sabzian occasionally presents online screenings of films, available worldwide for a short period of time. Films and videos of introductions, lectures and conversations that remain permanently available can also be found here.Dans la ‘Screening Room‘, Sabzian présente de temps en temps des films en ligne, disponibles dans le monde entier pendant une courte période. Les films et vidéos d'introduction, de conférences et de conversations qui restent disponibles en permanence peuvent également être visionnés ici.In de ‘Screening Room’ presenteert Sabzian af en toe online screenings van films, die voor een korte periode wereldwijd beschikbaar zijn. Films en video's van inleidingen, lezingen en gesprekken die permanent beschikbaar blijven, zijn hier ook te bekijken.


On Sunday 18 December 2022, Chinese director Wang Bing, presented his State of Cinema, titled ‘The State of Chinese Independent Film’, at Bozar in Brussels. The text of his lecture is available on Sabzian in Chinese as well as in English, Dutch and French translation.

Every year, Sabzian asks a guest to write a State of Cinema, and to choose a film that connects to it. This way, once a year, the art of film is held against the light, an invitation to reflect on what cinema means, could or should mean today. Wang Bing chose the film Stonewalling (2022) by Chinese-Japanese duo Huang Ji and Ryûji Otsuka.

Available Films & Videos
