Summer Film School 2021

Zomerfilmcollege 2021

After last year’s unfortunate cancellation of the annual symposium, the Summer Film School returns this year with two programmes. Hosted by Cinea and De Cinema, the first features the work of Hollywood legend Nicholas Ray, famously equated with being “the cinema” pure and simple by Jean-Luc Godard and another that will focus on the “impure” cinema of Jacques Rivette and Marguerite Duras. The Summer Film School offers a series of talks by internationally renowned experts, including Adrian Martin, Cristina Álvarez López and Nick Pinkerton, and twenty screenings of recent digital restorations and rare 35mm prints from the extensive collection of the Royal Belgian Film Archive (CINEMATEK). Cinea’s online journal Photogénie also published a new issue devoted to the programme of Rivette and Duras, and a text by Adrian Martin and Cristina Álvarez López on Nicholas Ray’s In a Lonely Place (1950).

You can find more information on this year’s program in English and in Dutch here.

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