State of Cinema 2018 / Sarah Vanagt

The last couple of years, Sabzian celebrated its birthday around Valentine’s Day. From this year on, this festive night will be given a different form. By analogy with similar initiatives in other art forms, Sabzian creates a new yearly tradition: Sabzian invites a guest to write a State of Cinema and to choose a film that connects to it. This way, once a year, the art of film is held against the light: a speech that challenges cinema, calls it to account, points the way or refuses to define it, puts it to the test and on the line, summons or embraces it, praises or curses it. A plea, a declaration, a manifest, a programme, a testimony, a letter, an apologia or maybe even an indictment. In any case, a call to think about what cinema means, could mean or should mean today.

For the first edition, the State of Cinema of 2018, Sabzian is honoured to welcome filmmaker Sarah Vanagt. She has chosen Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927) by F.W. Murnau. The film will be accompanied by musician Seppe Gebruers.

This evening is a collaboration between Sabzian and Cinema Galeries. You can find more information on the event here.


Practical information
Saturday 17 February 2018 – 21:00
Cinema Galeries, Brussels
With live music by Seppe Gebruers
Tickets: € 8,5 / € 6,5

Sabzian's seasonal roundup of recently published and forthcoming film publications.
Each month, Sabzian lists upcoming Belgian premieres, releases and festivals.
