Special Screening of Couple, Regards, Positions (Nadine Wandel & Boris Lehman, 1982)

On 8 June, Le p’tit ciné (Festival en ville!, Regards sur les docs) is hosting a special screening of the newly restored film Couple, Regards, Positions (1982), by Nadine Wandel and Boris Lehman, at Cinéma Palace. The screening will be followed by a discussion between the latter and Xavier Garcia Bardon (Université libre de Bruxelles) about the film and his book Le petit Boris illustré, Boris Lehman par lui-même, published this year by Yellow Now.

For this special evening, the Cinémathèque de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles is offering student tickets. All you need to do is write an e-mail stating your name.

More information can be found here.

On 22 June the organisation is also screening Brainwashed: Sex-Camera-Power by Nina Menkes (2022) as part of the presentation of the study “Devant et Derrière la Caméra” (Before and Behind the Camera) conducted by the association Elles Font des Films and UCLouvain on gender statistics in French-language Belgian productions.

Free entry with registration here.

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