Poetic Insurrections: Romantic Legacies in Modern and Contemporary Film Aesthetics

The Research Centre for Visual Poetics at the University of Antwerp organizes a two-day conference, titled ‘Poetic Insurrections: Romantic Legacies in Modern and Contemporary Film Aesthetics’, which will take place on January 20-21 in Antwerp.

The conference focusses on the ‘return’ to Romanticism in the recent consideration of modernist cinemas (Jean-Luc Godard, Jean-Marie Straub & Danièle Huillet, Marguerite Duras, ...). It aims to approach the project of aesthetic modernism by considering its romantic undercurrent. They invite papers that address these romantic legacies and encourage contributions that take an interdisciplinary and genealogical approach to film aesthetics.

Keynote speakers include Marco Grosoli (Habib University, Karachi) and Richard Suchenski (Bard College, New York), whose book Projections of Memory: Romanticism, Modernism, and the Aesthetics of Film (Oxford University Press, 2016) is a key inspiration for the conference. Alongside members of the Visual Poetics research group, the organizing committee includes philosopher Stéphane Symons (KULeuven) and Stoffel Debuysere (KASK-School of Arts).

Proposals for paper presentations can be sent to poeticinsurrections.conference@uantwerp.be by the 1st of September 2021. All information can be found on the conference website.


Image: Der Tod des Empedokles [The Death of Empedocles] (Jean-Marie Straub & Danièle Huillet, 1987).

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