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The Cinema of Víctor Erice

Jean-Philippe Tessé, 2006

Cinema, for Erice, ages at the very moment of its birth, it never stops putting those first sensations at a distance. And there is no remedy for this loss, certainly not the one that would consist in reproducing something, as one places a sheet of tracing paper to reproduce a drawing. From his cinema Erice has banished forever the re-creation, pastiche, the incestuous and vain reference. Instead, he explores dream images, the imaginary, the empire of spectres and sometimes the captivating incarnation of Spirits.

Interview with Dion Beebe, cinematographer of Miami Vice

Jay Holben, 2006
Introduced by Gerard-Jan Claes

Michael Mann was one of the first filmmakers working in Hollywood to embrace the digital. After earlier experiments with HD in Collateral (2004) and Ali (2001), Mann resolutely opts for the digital format in his 2006 Miami Vice. In this interview, Miami Vice’s cinematographer Dion Beebe explains that the choice of digital came not from practical concerns but through an experimental search, guided by Mann’s intent of the film. The interview bears witness to this turning point in film history where digital cinema still had to come to terms with itself, still had to start believing in its own possibilities.

John Berger, 2006

La rabbia is een film van liefde. En toch is zijn luciditeit vergelijkbaar met die in Kafka’s aforisme: “Het Goede is, in zekere zin, troosteloos.”

Dat is waarom Pasolini als een engel was.