Les Variations Hong Sang-soo

“Les Variations Hong Sang-soo, comprising of two volumes, collects the contributions of a about a dozen critics or academics and gives the word to some of the filmmaker’s closest collaborators. This twofold approach aims to sketch the outlines of this artist’s poetics, assess the singularities of his method, the specificities of his style and his dramaturgical boldness, with special attention to the role of those accompanying his creative process.”

Claire Denis wrote the introduction to this first volume. You can find all information on the site of De L’Incidence Éditeur.

On the occasion of the filmmaker’s retrospective at CINEMATEK, Sabzian and Courtisane have also published the cahier Hong Sang-soo. Infinite Worlds Possible, with collected and newly translated texts on Hong Sang-soo as well as interviews. You can find more information here.

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