SHHH 2022

Ostend, the city of Henri Storck’s cinema club, is a fairly quiet place when it comes to cinema these days. Nomadic film platform Monokino tries to rediscover the city, and find beautiful (neglected) spaces to celebrate the moving image.

SHHH (9 to 11 September) takes the power and poetry of silent film as a starting point for screenings, performances and an exhibition. For its fourth edition, the festival will explore the past, present and future of silently moving images with a special attention for the interfaces between film, visual arts and music, homemade animation, political found footage works from the 1930s, para-cinematic speculations... and, as always: the sea, on screen and on site.

This year SHHH is organised by Monokino in collaboration with CINEA, OHK, KleinVerhaal, Pleasure Island and the University of Antwerp. Full program and tickets can be found here.

SHHH and Art Cinema OFFoff are also collaborating on a programme about Dore O., one of Germany’s most influential and pioneering experimental filmmakers who sadly passed away this year. Read more here.

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