Night of the Experimental Film

After an enforced silence, the Night of the Experimental Film is back and resumes a long-standing tradition. On Thursday September 16, Ghent-based Art Cinema OFFoff presents a new edition of the Night – for the first time in Brussels – at the Theatre (Grote Zaal) of Ancienne Belgique (AB).

This edition focuses on the French filmmaker Philippe Garrel (°1948) and his connections with the Parisian and New York underground. OFFoff got the unique permission to screen Athanor (1972) and Le berceau de cristal (1975), two films that Garrel didn't want to show anymore for many decades until the large retrospectives of his work in New York in 2017 or the Cinémathèque française in 2019.

German model, singer and actress Christa Päffgen (1938–1988), better known as Nico, stars in all films of the program and is the muse of this Night. Athanor and Le berceau de cristal are part of a triptych that Garrel devoted to her. At the end of the sixties, he had an inspirational encounter with Andy Warhol at the Factory, where Nico had been one of the Superstars. Nico Crying (1966), maybe Warhol’s most beautiful ode to her, could not be missing from the program. This is also the case for Positano (1969), Pierre Clémenti's sensual and psychedelic portrait of the group of artists and friends around Philippe Garrel, shot during the trip on which he had met Nico.

The Night traditionally combines film with (inter)national live music and new soundtracks. This year's music program includes some of the most enthralling artists from the contemporary Swedish electronic scene. It was curated by the Ghent record label B.A.A.D.M. – run by graphic designers Joris Verdoodt and Mathieu Serruys, who will also perform.



Le berceau de cristal (Philippe Garrel, 1975, 72', 35mm) — With the original soundtrack of Ash Ra Tempel

Positano (Pierre Clémenti, 1969, 24', 16mm) — Live soundtrack: Linus Hillborg — Introduction by Balthazar Clémenti

Athanor (Philippe Garrel, 1972, 20', 35mm) — Live soundtrack: Mathieu Serruys

Nico Crying (Andy Warhol, 1966, 33', 16mm) — Live soundtrack: Maria W Horn & Mats Erlandsson


On the website of Art Cinema OFFoff, you can read more about the musicians, the individual films and how the program ties together (EN/FR/NL).

Tickets are available through the website of AB (€13/€15). The evening starts at 19:00.



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