Jonas Mekas’ Conversations with Film-Makers

Conversations with Film-makers, published by Spector Books, for the first time collects Jonas Mekas’ legendary 60s and 70s weekly ‘Movie Journal’ columns for the Village Voice, which contained numerous interviews with filmmakers from all over the world. The book includes conversations with Kenneth Anger, Stan Brakhage, John Cassavetes, Robert Kramer, Marcel Ophuls, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Roberto Rossellini, Gregory Markopoulos, Yvonne Rainer, Susan Sontag, Agnès Varda and Andy Warhol, to name but a few. Conversations is the first time that these interviews with his filmmaker friends and associates have been put together in a book. Mekas recorded the conversations with his camera. From the films he shot with his interlocutors, Mekas selected one photo or still to introduce each interview. The book is printed on newsprint and glossy paper and designed to look like vintage Voice.


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