Zomerfilmcollege 2023

From July 9 to 15, Cinea invites you back to Antwerp for their yearly Zomerfilmcollege. For seven days you can immerse yourself in two film historical themes, through fifteen or so lectures and some twenty film screenings. This year’s themes are Italian cinema in the 1970s (“La lotta continua”) and the work of French filmmaker Jean Renoir (“Everything that happens in life, can happen in a show”).

Recently Sabzian published the new text The Relationship is Everything – on Jean Renoir (in Dutch and English) by Dirk Lauwaert on the work of Jean Renoir. You can also read Andre Bazin’s article on Renoir’s first colour film The River (in Dutch, French and English) here.

Keep an eye on Cinea’s website for future updates on the program.

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