Visite #10 We’ll See What’s About to Happen…

From 17 to 20 November, Antwerp based collective De Imagerie is hosting the tenth edition of their annual Visite Film Festival at art space Het Bos. For its tenth edition they have 5 film programs, a performance, a concert, a group exhibition, an artist talk, 3 dinners and a breakfast in store for you. The festival brings together artists who respond to current dominant power structures. Through their work they propose alternative socially engaged futures by poetically depicting collective conversations and rethinking symbols of control, representation and manipulation. The program takes you from Brussels living rooms, to the streets of Mexico City, the forests of Canada and a Chinese beauty salon in Miami. The exhibition juxtaposes a video installation with pornographic images with various tactile textile works about police violence and exclusion. 

Visite #10 opens with four short animation films that we selected together with Léna Iloo. A program reflecting on deep social wounds and trauma’s. An evening with dark stories on segregation, oppression and power dynamics told with sensitive, tactile and fragile images.

The tenth edition of Visite is curated by Adel Setta, Kevin Kotahunyi and Eva van Tongeren.  

You can find the programme here.

Front image: Si Pudiera Desear Algo [If I Could Wish for Something] (Dora García, 2021)

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