Special Screening of Jean-Luc Godard’s Histoire(s) du cinema (1988-1998)

On the the occasion of the closing day of the exhibition It Might be a Mirage, West Den Haag will hold a special screening tomorrow of Jean-Luc Godard’s Histoire(s) du cinema, the monumental film essay the late director released in 1998 to commemorate one hundred years of cinema.

The screening will begin at 13:00 and will run throughout the day. It will be introduced by cinema historian and film critic Ariel Schweitzer, and followed by a conversation between Schweitzer and Ory Dessau, one of the exhibition’s curators (together with Tal Sterngast). The film and the conversation are in English. More information here.

You can also read ‘A Skeleton Key to Histoire(s) du cinéma’ (also in Dutch) by Adrian Martin, published in 2018 on the occasion of Milestones: Histoire(s) du cinema.

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