The Bandwagon #6: Manon De Sutter / Spells of the Dark

The Bandwagon #6: Manon De Sutter / Spells of the Dark

The sixth episode of The Bandwagon, Sabzian’s irregular series of film-related mixes, by filmmaker Manon De Sutter.

With no films currently screening in cinemas, the idea ripened to start an irregular series of film-related mixes. These shows are brought together under the name “The Bandwagon,” after Vincente Minnelli’s 1953 eponymous masterpiece. The idea is to share journeys through film excerpts, dialogues, scores and songs, each instalment a filmic encounter with sounds, thoughts and worlds. The other episodes can be found here.


1. Guy Montassut - Bassae (Jean-Daniel Pollet, 1964)
2. Ridder - Het zwaard van Ardoewaan (Bert Struys, 1972)
3. ‘A Dream About Waves’ from Pieces for Noise, Silence & Voice (Onmaan/Geraldine, 2020)
4. Praying - Ran (Akira Kurosawa, 1985)
5. Voice - Possession (Andrzej Żuławski, 1981)
6. ‘Leed’s House’ from The Reds - Manhunter (Michael Mann, 1986)
7. Crows, man screaming - Touki-Bouki (Djibril Diop Mambéty, 1973)
8. Hail Mary - Black Narcissus (Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger, 1947)
9. ‘Janitor of Lunacy’ from Desertshore (Nico, 1970) and dialogue - L’eau froide (Olivier Assayas, 1994)
10. Zdeněk Liška - Ovoce stromu rajských jíme [Fruit of Paradise] (Věra Chytilová, 1970)
11. Girl humming - Casa de Lava [Down to Earth] (Pedro Costa, 1994)
12. Pontian lyra - Taxidi sta Kythira [Voyage to Cythera] (Theo Angelopoulos, 1984)
13. Displaced persons - Reminiscences of a Journey to Lithuania (Jonas Mekas, 1972)
14. Ry Cooder - Streets of Fire (Walter Hill, 1984)
15. Dialogue on the train - Liebe ist kälter als der Tod (Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1970)
16. Girl singing - Al Dhakira al Khasba [Fertile Memory] (Michel Khleifi, 1980)
17. ‘18:02’ from Fowl Tapes II (Luke Fowler, 2013)
18. Street seller - from the collection of sound artist Felix Blume
19. Je préfère vous abîmer les yeux - Traité de bave et d’éternité (Isidore Isou, 1951)
20. Music - La noire de... (Ousmane Sembène, 1966)
21. Coca cola - U.S. Go Home (Claire Denis, 1994)
22. ‘With All Hands’ from The Street and the Sea (Priscilla Quinby and Gavin Gervis, 1976)
23. ‘Prophecy Theme’ from Brian Eno - Dune (David Lynch, 1984)
24. Boy in metro - Boy Meets Girl (Leos Carax, 1984)
25. ‘Lector’s Cell’ from The Reds - Manhunter (Michael Mann, 1986)
26. Ambient - Twin Peaks Season 3 (David Lynch, 2017)
27. Breathing, music - O Sangue [Blood] (Pedro Costa, 1989)
28. Computer voice - My Crasy Life (Jean-Pierre Gorin, 1992)
29. Man screaming - Ran (Akira Kurosawa, 1985)
30. ‘Epicedium’ from Drenched Lands (Locrian, 2009)
31. Strumming on snare instrument - Al Dhakira al Khasba [Fertile Memory] (Michel Khleifi, 1980)
32. Lament of Mary & Jesus at cross - Acto da Primavera [Rite of Spring] (Manoel de Oliveira, 1963)
33. ‘Charlie’ from Crust (Crust, 1990) - Slacker (Richard Linklater, 1990)
34. Angry - Milestones (John Douglas and Robert Kramer, 1975)
35. Trevor Mathison - Who Needs a Heart (John Akomfrah, 1991)
36. ‘Intro (Harmonica Man)’ from Dawnrazor (Fields of the Nephilim, 1987) - sampling from Once Upon a Time in the West (Sergio Leone, 1968)
37. Woman running - Mauvais sang (Leos Carax, 1986)
38. Tangerine Dream - The Keep (Michael Mann, 1983)
39. Woman’s voice, scream - Otoshiana [Pitfall] (Hiroshi Teshigahara, 1962)
40. Screams - Possession (Andrzej Żuławski, 1981)
41. ‘Mother Owl, Father Ocean’ from Thrice Woven (Wolves in the Throne Room, 2017)
42. Helicopter - Few of Us (Sharunas Bartas, 1996)
43. Guitar - Mia aioniotita kai mia mera [Eternity and a Day] (Theo Angelopoulos, 1998)
44. Interview - Pedro Costa talking about Cavalo Dinheiro at Locarno Film Festival, 2014
45. ‘The Overthrow’ from Dreamhatcher (MDCIII, 2018)
46. You should quit - Slacker (Richard Linklater, 1990)
47. Naomi Watts screaming “No” - King Kong (Peter Jackson, 2005)
48. Car accident - Blow Out (Brian De Palma, 1981)
49. ‘Into Thin Air’ from Daisy Darkpark - sampling from The Tempest (Derek Jarman, 1979)
50. Radio voice - Born in Flames (Lizzie Borden, 1983)
51. Voice, television, shooting - La cérémonie (Claude Chabrol, 1995)
52. Whispering - Boy Meets Girl (Leos Carax, 1984)
53. ‘Beneath the Mask’ from Demo 2011 (Bell Witch, 2011) - sampling from The Masque of the Red Death (Roger Corman, 1964)
54. Dialogue - Haut bas fragile (Jacques Rivette, 1995)
55. ‘Elephant Mosquito’, ‘Danse of the Dead’ from The Illness (Spectre, 1995)
56. Voice - Touki-Bouki (Djibril Diop Mambéty, 1973)
57. ‘Armenia’ from Zeichnungen des Patienten O.T. (Einstürzende Neubauten, 1983) - Heat (Michael Mann, 1995)
58. Toru Takemitsu - Ran (Akira Kurosawa, 1985)
59. Parseltongue - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Chris Columbus, 2002)
60. ‘Dreams’ from Landfall (Laurie Anderson and Kronos Quartet, 2018)
61. Michel Legrand - La piscine (Jacques Deray, 1969)
62. Jamais plus - La noire de... (Ousmane Sembène, 1966)
63. ‘Ruff Kutz Side One’ from Ruff Kutz (Spectre, 2015)
64. Percussion - Touki-Bouki (Djibril Diop Mambéty, 1973)
65. Woman singing - La noire de... (Ousmane Sembène, 1966)
66. ‘Noise/piano piece inspired by this mix’ from Methven
67. Voices - Possession (Andrzej Żuławski, 1981)
68. Noise - Outer Space (Peter Tscherkassky, 1999)
69. Boy thrown in water - Koridorius [The Corridor] (Sharunas Bartas, 1995)
70. Woman whispering - Otoshiana [Pitfall] (Hiroshi Teshigahara, 1962)
71. End of fight - Ying xiong [Hero] (Zhang Yimou, 2002)
72. ‘The Hills of Abruzzi’, ‘How Blue Sky Was’ from Simon Fisher Turner - Caravaggio (Derek Jarman, 1986)
73. Driving - Certain Women (Kelly Reichardt, 2016)
74. Benjamin Britten - Beau travail (Claire Denis, 1999)
75. Yelling, music translation and ‘Winter’ from Sparrow Oratorium (Sergey Kuryokhin, 1993) - Sun Dog (Dorian Jespers, 2020)
76. ‘Kumushki’ from Olga Fedoseevna Sergeev - Nostalgia (Andrei Tarkovsky, 1983)
77. Eyes - Rosemary’s Baby (Roman Polanski, 1968)
78. ‘Uncut Gems’ from Daniel Lopatin - Uncut Gems (Benny Safdie & Josh Safdie, 2019)
79. Bobby Beausoleil - Lucifer Rising (Kenneth Anger, 1972)
80. Sang - Pierrot le Fou (Jean-Luc Godard, 1965)

The Bandwagon
Sabzian's seasonal roundup of recently published and forthcoming film publications.
Each month, Sabzian lists upcoming Belgian premieres, releases and festivals.
