Zomerfilmcollege 2018

From 8 to 14 July, the weeklong Summer Film School at Cinema Zuid (Antwerp) once again offers more than fifteen talks by internationally renowned experts and twenty screenings – mostly rare 35mm prints and four recent digital restorations.

This year’s edition focuses on the work of Brian De Palma and Éric Rohmer. Film scholar David Bordwell will be back this year for a special evening program in which he will present four masterclasses on his favorite film historical topics: the influence of different cultural factors on Citizen Kane, the rise of the thriller in the forties, the silent comedies of Harold Lloyd and the work of Sergei Eisenstein beyond the well-trodden path of montage analysis.

Keynote speakers Cristina Álvarez López and Adrian Martin, whose text ‘Cinephilia as War Machine’ is featured on Sabzian, will be at the helm of the lecture series on De Palma. The talks on the films of Éric Rohmer will be given by Tom Paulus, filmmaker Richard Misek and Sabzian’s Ruben Demasure.

You can find the full program, all practical info and ticket options here.


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