Welcome to Sabzian’s New Website!

With this all-new design of the website, Sabzian aims to even more become a space for visitors to return to and wander about. It asserts a durable exchange between our own content and the transmission and contextualisation of existing cinephile initiatives. This vision has been rendered into a structure with new features like film pages, related content and related events, language navigation, a new home page and a search function with an overview of both directors and authors. In short, everything is intertwined!

We will celebrate the launch of our new website on Sunday, October 15th, during Film Fest Gent, with a round-table conference on film criticism and a screening of Jacques Rivette, le veilleur (Claire Denis & Serge Daney, 1990). Join us!

The website is structured as follows. The main navigation of the website still consists of Articles, Prisma, Notes and Agenda. In the left sidebar at the top, you can find a short text on Sabzian at About, an overview of the publications we made the last few years, a subscription form for our irregular newsletter, an Info page with contact and practical information, and lastly, a Support page. Sabzian is a free online magazine relying mostly on the work of a group of volunteers. If you would like to support Sabzian, we welcome any one time donation or standing order.

The central point of the new website is the close interlinking of the agenda and the texts (both Articles and Prisma). Each film we select for the agenda gets its own ‘film page’, which gets activated in the screenings we select. In that way the selected reflections and context on the film remain accessible on the website, even when the screening has passed. For example, as you can see in the agenda Abbas Kiarostami’s Khane-ye doust kodjast? [Where Is the Friend’s Home?] (1987) screens on October 28th at CINEMATEK in Brussels. If you click on the name of the director, in this case Abbas Kiarostami, you find an overview of all the films by Abbas Kiarostami that are available on Sabzian for the moment. The gathered reflections on the specific films remain available.

A new feature that’s implemented on our new website is called Related Content and Related Events. With an extensive tag system Articles, Prisma, Notes, film pages and screenings are more closely interlinked, every new screening and text generating a new set of connections and resonances; on the one hand, by evoking film pages and screenings; on the other, by bringing related textual content to the foreground. For example, last week Anne Wiazemsky sadly passed away, on which we reported in a Note. As you can see below the Note, the Related Content opens up links to texts about films in which she played on the one hand, and screenings of films in which she played on the other.

Furthermore, on the Search page, you can find an overview of both the directors, linked to a list of the available film pages, and of the authors, linked to a list of Articles and Prisma. Both lists will of course expand the coming years!

Sabzian's seasonal roundup of recently published and forthcoming film publications.
Each month, Sabzian lists upcoming Belgian premieres, releases and festivals.
