Visite Film Festival

The 6th edition of Visite Film Festival will take place from 14 until 23 February at Het Bos / De Imagerie in Antwerp. The Opening night will take place at Beursschouwburg in Brussels. The program includes films by Fairuz Ghammam, Bie Michels, Trinh T. Minh-ha, Lazara Rosell Albear, Mary Jimenez, Hana Miletić, Omar Al-Samarrai, Michiel Robberecht, Katrien Vermeire, Sergei Paradjanov and Federico Fellini along with performances by Gitte Le Bruyn & Joachim Badenhorst and an exposition by Hooman Jeddy. 

“During its biannual film festival, De Imagerie shows unique films, from both promising as of more established names from the Belgian documentary, political and experimental film landscape. The makers are always present and bring along inspiring films by other filmmakers, besides their own work, to enter into a dialogue with the public. This edition we will go from visual fiction to tactile installations and from live animation to sensory cinema.” (De Imagerie)

Prior to the festival Visite invites French artist and filmmaker Marine Hugonnier for a screening of her films in Antwerp and Brussels. Visit Sabzian’s agenda for more information. Discover the full program of Visite Film Festival here.

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