Samuel Fuller: Le Choc et la Caresse

The new collection, Samuel Fuller. Le Choc et la Caresse, edited by Jacques Déniel and Jean-François Rauger, includes texts by Bernard Eisenschitz, Chris Fujiwara and many others. You can find the table of contents on the webpage of the Belgian publisher Éditions Yellow Now. 

Coinciding with the Cinémathèque française’s retrospective (Jan 3 – Feb 15) of the work of Samuel Fuller, two other new books on the director have been published last month. You can order Jean Narboni’s Samuel Fuller. Un homme à fables and Frank Lafond’s Samuel Fuller. Jusqu’à l’épuisement directly from CAPRICCI and Éditions Rouge Profond. On France Culture you can listen to a recent one-hour talk on Fuller with the critic Jean Narboni and Samantha Fuller, the filmmaker’s daughter who directed the documentary A Fuller Life (2013), which has just been released on DVD and Blu-Ray this month by Carlotta


Sabzian's seasonal roundup of recently published and forthcoming film publications.
Each month, Sabzian lists upcoming Belgian premieres, releases and festivals.
