Sabzian Selects (Again)

Twin Peaks (David Lynch, 1990-1991)

“It is happening again.” The cultural and social life in Belgium is closing down again until further notice. But let us not fall prey to desperation and take an opportunity to watch films together, even when physically alone. In the next weeks, Sabzian will select three films a week, available on online platforms in an effort to propose imagined film-gatherings. We will select open source films, but we will also guide you to some important online distribution platforms. The selections can be found in our Agenda!

For the past six years, Sabzian has curated an agenda to provide our readers in Belgium and surroundings with a roadmap through the diverse range of local cinema listings, supporting a network of events, screenings and exhibitions that share and reveal the potential outlines of a cinephile fabric. For each film, a Film Page is created that unites information on the film with quotes from various sources, fragments of essays, reviews or interviews, woven together like a patchwork, hopefully inciting you to read further. In this way, a vast collection has grown, not only serving as a guide for screenings but also as an imaginary film library, encyclopaedically incomplete but resulting from subjective aspirations. Sabzian’s collection of Film Pages, thus, embodies a territory of possible screenings and gatherings, exchanges and conversations on cinema. Aside from screenings, those Film Pages are accessible on Sabzian through the director-tags, also available on the Search-page in alphabetical order. Now that we have to maintain physical distance and cinemas have closed down, our experience of cinema has become a solitary delight. But in this time of confinement, we can find our cinephile community in the non-endemic space of the online environment.

Sabzian's seasonal roundup of recently published and forthcoming film publications.
Each month, Sabzian lists upcoming Belgian premieres, releases and festivals.
