R(a/u)pture 1 at KALF, Hasselt

Arnold Schwarzenegger, The Art of Bodybuilding (Babeth Mondini-Vanloo, 1976-2020)

On April 19th, R(a/u)pture 1, a new experimental film event, will take place for the first time in Hasselt. The event is organised by the new collective of creators, thinkers, programmers and spectators known as R(a/u)pture. As a first step, the collective is organising film screenings, the first of which will take place in Hasselt’s former slaughterhouse, now known as KALF, an artist-run-space with artists’ studios and an exhibition space. The program features films by Devin Horan, Philippe Grandrieux and Babeth Mondini-VanLoo, among others.

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