Pierre Lhomme (1930-2019)

The French director of photography Pierre Lhomme passed away on 4 July, aged 89 years.

In 1955 Lhomme made his first short Paris, mon copain before becoming a renowned cinematographer. In 1963 he shoots and co-directs Le joli mai with Chris Marker. He excells not only with Jean Eustache for La maman et la putain (1973) and Jean-Pierre Melville’s L’armée des ombres (1969) but also in his work for Alain Cavalier, James Ivory, Chris Marker, Marguerite Duras, Robert Bresson, Joris Ivens, Costa-Gavras, Eric Rohmer and many others.


« Dans notre métier, la clé, selon moi et beaucoup de confrères, c’est l’amour du cinéma qui permet de s’adapter à un maître d’oeuvre différent, car chaque réalisateur génère son propre univers. J’ai toujours pensé que nous étions la cheville ouvrière du film. Pas le chef-opérateur tout seul, mais l’équipe entière de prise de vue. Il faut donc qu’elle soit compétente et harmonieuse, surtout pas servile. »

Pierre Lhomme1


Cineaste: What was it like working with Bresson on Four Nights of a Dreamer? Was he very demanding?

Lhomme: It’s not that he was demanding – he rejected a lot. He’s like a vacuum cleaner. [laughs] When he started the scene – he didn’t know what he wanted – although he knew perfectly well what he didn’t want. When we were working, it was a process of subtraction and evacuation. I was amazed by his approach to filmmaking and I learned a lot. With the good ones you learn a lot, with the bad ones nothing. But I learned a lot from Bresson. He used only one lens and was so afraid of anything that interfered with his vision. With Bresson, I had a real lesson in cinematography.

Pierre Lhomme in an interview with Cinéaste2



La maman et la putain (Jean Eustache, 1973)

La solitude du chanteur de fond (Chris Marker, 1974)

Le joli mai (Chris Marker & Pierre Lhomme, 1963)

Les mains négatives (Marguerite Duras, 1978)

  • 1Pierre Lhomme dans un entretien avec écranlarge. Didier Verdurand, « Pierre Lhomme (interview carrière), écranlarge, 10 mai 2007.
  • 2Richard Porton, et al., “Passionate Cinematography: An Interview with Pierre Lhomme,” Cinéaste, vol. 39, no. 1, 2013, 10–15. JSTOR.
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