Opera, Ballet & Film: Philippe Grandrieux

Next month, Opera Ballet Vlaanderen will premiere Philippe Grandrieux’s new staging of Richard Wagner’s Tristan und Isolde. On this occasion, three of his films will be screened in Flemish cinemas. First, on March 5th and 12th, respectively, at Studio Skoop in Ghent and Cinema Cartoon’s in Antwerp, White Epilepsy (2012) is on the program. On March 20th, Art Cinema OFFoff in Ghent is showing La vie nouvelle (2002), and lastly, De Cinema in Antwerp is showing Un Lac from 2009 on 7 April. Both La vie nouvelle and Un lac will be shown on 35mm. Philippe Grandrieux will also be present for a Q&A on 20 March at Art Cinema OFFoff.

Tristan und Isolde

Sabzian's seasonal roundup of recently published and forthcoming film publications.
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