New Film Publication: Les saisons

« Notes, poèmes, lettres, souvenirs, récits, intentions, pré- ou sous-monde de fantômes, brouillons, archives ou témoignages, hésitation ou repentir; la revue Les Saisons publie les écritures du film comme autant d'inventions qui habitent l'imagination et la réalisation du film; l'écriture comme pratique du film. »

Revue les saisons is a new French publication dedicated to film writing. On September 27, the first number will be launched with a rare 35mm screening of Robert Gardner's Forest of Bliss (1986) in cinema Luminor Hôtel de Ville in Paris. The inaugural issue offers the first French translation of Gardner’s text “Fixing Time” from his 2006 collection The Impulse to Preserve: Reflections of a Filmmaker. The other filmmakers that are published in the issue can be found on the cover below. You can pre-order the publication (€14) via


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