MOUV’ Roundtable Discussions

On Friday 28 April MOUV’, the travelling cinema of Forest in Brussels, brings together film professionals for two roundtable discussions to exchange views on new forms of cinema and the role of (neighbourhood) cinema. 

The first roundtable discussion will focus on the mechanisms put in place to both create a diversified and qualitative programme and create an active (film) community. The challenges of a constantly evolving sector are also discussed and specifically how teenagers can be involved.

The second roundtable will discuss the role of of neighbourhood cinemas, their importance, as well as the challenges. Finally, they will consider what resources should be deployed to remain profitable and accessible.

The floor will be given to female representatives of film organisations from the two language communities, each with their own expertise: Valeria Musio (Kinoféroce), Juliete Duret (Bozar CINEMA), Hilde Steensens (Filem’on), Susanne Weck (Kino Karlo, SIC), Julie Jeanne Regnault (Polorise), Joyce Loir (De Roma, Antwerp), An De Winter (Dalton, Ten Weyngaert), Clara Léonet (Kinograph), Janne Quintelier (Ciné Rio, Ghent). Each roundtable is followed by a Q&A and extensive time is made to get to know each other. There will also be a moment dedicated to documentaries made by women, as the aim of MOUV’ is also to make the diversity of cinematographic works visible. So from 18h30 onwards, the film Papa s’en va by Pauline Horovitz, and Gods of Molenbeek by Reetta Huhtanen will be screened.

The event is organised in co-operation with LUCA School of Arts, with the support of and cluster If you want to attend, please confirm your attendance by filling in this invitation form. The full timetable can also be found there.


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