Kira Muratova’s The Long Farewell (1971) on HENRI in Solidarity with Ukraine

Dolgie provody [The Long Farewell] (Kira Muratova, 1971)

« Aujourd’hui, nous programmons ce film mélancolique d’une grande douceur tourné en Ukraine pour inviter toutes et tous à s’intéresser à la culture ukrainienne et à exprimer leur solidarité avec le peuple ukrainien et son pays, mis à feu et à sang. »

Eugénie Zvonkine


Until 5 April, Kira Muratova’s film Dolgie provody [The Long Farewell] (1971) will be shown on the French Cinémathèque’s online streaming platform Henri as an act of solidarity with the population of Ukraine. The film can be watched here (French subtitles only).

Three years ago, Belgian filmmaker Claudio Pazienza chose this film to accompany his State of Cinema for Sabzian, praising her film as form of intimate language that unsettles and breaks with the established order of images and language. For this occasion we also translated an interview with Muratova, which you can read here.

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