Kinograph: First Ephemeral Cinema in Brussels

The Brussels cooperative CinéCité is setting up the city’s first temporary cinema in the old army barracks of Ixelles. CinéCité is a cooperative organisation dedicated to renewing the cinema offer in the city. Since the summer of 2018, it has been organizing screenings in public venues. Kinograph is part of a larger temporary use program of the old army site, which will be transformed into a university campus in 2021. 

Kinograph proposes an “audacious program” of classic screenings, small festivals and new film projects. The aim is to bring cinema closer to the public and to reach more than just cinephiles by inviting local residents to actively participate in organising Kinograph film programs. CinéCité’s ambition is to contribute to reinvigorating the neigbourhood through cinema.

At the moment, a crowdfunding campaign has been started to buy professional equipment and get everything set up by April. 


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