Introducing: WANDA

WANDA is a new independent Belgian lobby group consisting of female directors ranging from public films to arthouse cinema, from creative documentaries to animated films, from experimental work to series. It unites women in the fight against institutional inequality within the Flemish and Brussels audiovisual sector. As female directors, we do not only look at discrimination based on gender, but we endorse the need for anti-racist feminism. WANDA investigates inequality based on intersectional thinking.

WANDA strives for an inclusive film landscape, in which all voices, all genres and all stories have a right of existence. To do so, WANDA looks at all women: women of colour, short-skilled women, women with disabilities, LGBTQI+ ... In short, women who, in all their diversity, have the power to challenge the traditional, white, masculine visual culture.

WANDA aims to be a reliable point of contact for all directors and under-represented groups in the film industry who are seeking support, have questions or want to actively engage.

WANDA communicates mainly through their Facebook page and Instagram profile.

Sabzian's seasonal roundup of recently published and forthcoming film publications.
Each month, Sabzian lists upcoming Belgian premieres, releases and festivals.
