IG Filmkultur Petition

IG Filmkultur is a coalition formed by numerous occupational groups and branches of film, whose purpose is to strengthen and preserve diversity in Austrian film culture. Upon the renewal of the advisory board of the Federal Chancellery’s film subsidy, Minister for the EU, Art, Culture and Media Gernot Blümel nominated an entire group of people to the film and festival council who, according to IG Filmkultur “are not suitably qualified for this vital assignment, which in turn jeopardizes a successful model that was developed over the course of many years.”

In a letter to Minister Blümer, the IG Filmkultur states that “[t]he advisory board normally consists of persons who are familiar with the requirements and the international importance of innovative Austrian filmmaking from personal experience and expertise. In addition, a careful composition of the advisory board ensures that a wide range of expertise is covered and gender-balance is maintained. When we look at the recently appointed advisory board members of Division II/3 – Film of the BKA, at present we cannot conceive that the balance and the quality of their subsequent decision-making could be guaranteed.”

You can find more information here, and sign the petition here.

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