Histories of a Picture to Come

Histories of a Picture to Come is the first of a series of exhibitions with works from the Argos collection that explores the dialectics between photographic and moving images. The exhibition examines how historical events are depicted, told and documented. First-hand or intimate experiences are linked to ‘History’. Different ways of storytelling blur facts, documents are confronted with aesthetics practices, photographs fail to grasp what has happened. However, the aim of the exhibition is neither to establish a hierarchy or inventory, nor to write a history of the twentieth century’s massacres – it is meant as an investigation into how contemporary artists reflect on our recent past.

With works by Robert Capa, Sirah Foighel Brutmann & Eitan Efrat, Mekhitar Garabedian, Alfredo Jaar, Robert Lebeck, Xavier Lukomski, Miguel Peres dos Santos, Hermann Pitz, Marc Riboud, Walid Ra’ad, Sarah Vanagt & Katrien Vermeire and Roy Villevoye.

Histories of a Picture to Come is on view at Argos in Brussels from 23 September until 23 December.


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