Films from Iran for Iran on Another Screen

Until 4 January, Another Screen, the streaming platform by feminist film journal Another Gaze, is hosting a group programme to show solidarity with the current protest movement in Iran. ‘Films from Iran for Iran’ joins films by women and non-binary filmmakers, made from 1979 to the present day, with a focus on experimental and non-fiction work.

“Exploring ideas around forced and chosen departures, return, mother and other tongues, familial and non-familial feminist and proto-feminist lineages, we seek to extend solidarity to the struggle in Iran, and contribute some much-needed nuance and context to the long history of feminist resistance to state violence that has existed there, at the intersections between gender, class, sexuality and ethnicity. Bringing together a multitude of diaspora and non-diaspora voices speaking across generations, the programme was created in the spirit of community, with artists suggesting other artists with whom they are friends or whom they admire. It aims to provide a non-institutional corrective to the opportunism of big western art institutions, whose interest lies almost exclusively in the fetishisation of certain symbols of Iranian society, which have themselves been moulded by the Islamic Republic – institutions that foreground only those artists who reflect and reinforce this western gaze.”

With Bani Khoshnoudi, Mitra Tabrizian, Sanaz Azari, Tara Najd Ahmadi, Nahid Rezaei, Niki Kohandel, Sepideh Farsi, Gelare Khoshgozaran, Katayoun Jalilipour, Maryam Tafakory, Maaman Rezaee, Parastoo Anoushahpour, Faraz Anoushahpour, Ryan Ferko, Nia Fekri, Parisa Aminolahi; convened by Another Screen/Daniella Shreir.

You can read the full introduction in French, Farsi and English on their website, alongside information and texts on the filmmakers and their work.

Photograph taken during the Iranian Revolution in 1979

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