Festival de cinéma : En ville !

From 25 July to 7 August, the En ville ! film festival takes place in Brussels, both outdoors and in different cinemas. Organized by Le p’tit ciné, the festival proposes 14 Belgian and international films, in competition or in special screenings, a selection of documentaries presented over the last few months in international festivals, many of them previously unseen in Belgium. Frederick Wiseman, renowned for his numerous documentaries on all kinds of institutions – “Fred likes institutions like Fellini likes the circus.” (Errol Morris) –, is the patron of this year’s editon.

You can disover the selection and find more information on the festival on the website of Le p’tit ciné.

Overseas (Sung-A Yoon, 2019)

Sabzian's seasonal roundup of recently published and forthcoming film publications.
Each month, Sabzian lists upcoming Belgian premieres, releases and festivals.
