Day for Night II

On March 10-11, CINEA organises the second edition of Day for Night, a 24 hour film marathon at KASKcinema in Ghent. This year’s theme is: No Exit! All films are shown on 35mm or recent restorations, such as the unique and superior ‘domestic’ version of Lewis Milestone’s The Front Page.

Day for Night II is organized by CINEA in collaboration with KASKcinema, Film Plateau, CINEMATEK and Kinoautomat. You can find more info (in Dutch) and buy tickets on the website of CINEA.

On Kuleshov,’s weekly radio show about film, CINEA’s Bart Versteirt talked about the event and each of the films that will be shown [starts at 01:17:50, in Dutch].



12:00 Letter Never Sent [Neotpravlennoe Pismo] (Mikhail Kalatozov, 1960)
14:00 Break
14:15 Rio Bravo (Howard Hawks, 1959)
16:45 Break
17:00 The Front Page (Lewis Milestone, 1931)
19:00 Lunch break
20:00 Le Trou (Jacques Becker, 1960)
22:30 Break
23:00 The Structure of Crystal [Struktura Krysztalu] (Krzysztof Zanussi, 1969)
00:30 Break
00:45 Introduction night program
01:15 El Angel Exterminador (Luis Buñuel, 1962)
03:00 Talk Radio (Oliver Stone, 1988)
05:15 Tremors (Ron Underwood, 1990)
07:00 The Breakfast Club (John Hughes, 1985)
08:45 Breakfast
09:30 Morning walk
10:00 The Adventurer (Charles Chaplin & Edward Brewer, 1917) / Convict 13 (Edward F Cline & Buster Keaton, 1920) / Liberty! (Leo McCarey, 1929)


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