Cinema Mondial des Cinémas Sauvages

In 2017, the World Festival of Wild Cinemas made its first edition. Influenced by the open-source movement and by more naive and spontaneous filmmakers gestures, the desires converged: the idea is to freely share free films. All kinds of movies, all kinds of durations and supports, without constraint of date or ways of production or genres.

For the 2019 edition, the festival will host a selection of films from around the world, in the presence of the directors. All screenings will be held outdoors. There will be themed film programs like Young Polish cinema and ciné-tracts, conversations, workshops, concerts, a film and sound library, a food stand and on Saturday evening there will be a party. 

The festival will take place from 11 to 15 September in La Cheminée, Avenue du Bempt 39, 1190 Brussels. 

Find the programmation and more info about the festival here

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