Cinéma du Réel festival focus on Tacita Dean

At the Cinéma du Réel festival (March 23 - April 1) in Paris there will be a program focussing on the British artist Tacita Dean, one of the most singular artists of her generation.

“The films, drawings and other works by Tacita Dean are extremely original. Her recent film portraits express something that neither painting nor photography can capture. They are purely film. And while Dean can appreciate the past, her art avoids any kind of academic approach. The focus of her subtle but ambitious work is the truth of the moment, the film as a medium and the sensibilities of the individual.”

Adrian Searle in The Guardian


Cinéma du réel will present Kodak (2006), Craneway Event (2009), The Uncles (2004), Event for a Stage (2015) and short films: A Bag of Air, Disappearance at Sea, Edwin Parker, The Green Ray, His Picture in Little (35mm, world premiere), The Martyrdom of St. Agatha, Michael Hamburger, Portraits, Providence (35mm, world premiere).

All films will be presented in 16 mm and 35 mm. Tacita Dean will be attending the festival on March 23, 24 and 25. There will be a public conversation with Tacita Dean and Patricia Falguières, historian and critic, on March 24th.

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