Charles Dekeukeleire Exhibition at CINEMATEK

During the month of April, CINEMATEK pays tribute to the work of Belgian filmmaker Charles Dekeukeleire. Next to a film programme and a conference, they also host an exhibition curated by Mathilde Lejeune (Université Lille 3), who's doing her PhD research on Dekeukeleire’s work and writings. The exhibition consists of an insightful selection out of CINEMATEK’s rich archival holdings on Dekeukeleire, most of them never before shown, such as working documents, scripts, publicity material, letters, film stills, reviews and, above all, his personal little notebooks which set up a dialogue with the photos and excerpts from the films. The exhibition is still on display until April 28 (images below: Gertjan Willems).

Dekeukeleire's Witte Vlam (1930) was part of Sabzian's first programme of Seuls: Singular Moments in Belgian Film History. For the occassion, Sabzian published Dekeukeleire's manifesto “Naar een vrijmaking van de Cinema,” with a new introduction by Elias Grootaers.


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