Book Launch and Screening: Documentary as Encounter – Strangers Within

On 4 March, SoundImageCulture invites you for an afternoon & evening of screenings, discussions, and warm soup on the occasion of the Brussels launch of the anthology Strangers Within: Documentary as Encounter. Strangers Within is edited by Therese Henningsen and SIC-participant Juliette Joffé and published by the independent publishing house Prototype. It explores the idea of documentary as encounter through essays, stories, and other responses by filmmakers, artists, and writers. The texts engage with the risks of encounter, unsettling assumptions about the distinctions between host and guest, stranger and friend, self and other, documentarian and protagonist.

SoundImageCulture is happy to welcome you to an evening with participating artists and filmmakers Andrea Luka Zimmerman, Mary Jiménez Freeman-Morris, Therese Henningsen and Juliette Joffé. They will present films and engage in a conversation on their work in relation to questions of representation and encounter.

More information here.

Art Class (Andrea Luka Zimmerman, 2020)

Image: Art Class (Andrea Luka Zimmerman, 2020)

Sabzian's seasonal roundup of recently published and forthcoming film publications.
Each month, Sabzian lists upcoming Belgian premieres, releases and festivals.
