Artist’s Books and Cinema. A Symposium

This one-day symposium focuses on the different ways in which artist’s books have gazed at cinema. What specific films have been made into artist’s books, and what did this special translation entail? What contemporary practices in artist’s books take their cues from cinema? And how did art documentaries leave their mark on art books, and vice versa? A timely topic, since Jean-Luc Godard’s new film, Le livre d’image (The Image Book), will probably premiere in Cannes this year. 

The symposium takes place on February 9 in CAMPO nieuwpoort (Nieuwpoort 31-35, Gent). Entrance is free. 
The event is organized by Tine Guns, Inge Ketelers and Isolde Vanhee in the context of the research project ‘Bioscopic Books. Artist’s Books As Seen Through the Cinema Eye’ at LUCA School of Arts Gent. 


09:30 Welcome
09:45–10:15 Introduction by Inge Ketelers and Isolde Vanhee
10:15–11:15 Tine Guns – ‘Bioscopic Books / Artist Talk’
11:15–12:15 Daria Tuminas – ‘CinePhotoBook: What connects cinematography and photobooks’
12:15–13:30 Soup Lunch
13:30–14:30 Filiep Tacq – ‘Marcel Broodthaers: A Voyage on the North Sea’
14:30–15:30 Tamara Berghmans – ‘Love on the Left Bank: A Photo-Novel That Is Really a Film’
15:30–16:30 Steven Jacobs – ‘The Mid-Twentieth-Century Art Documentary and the Art Book’
16:30–17:00 Roundup

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