Art Cinema OFFoff: New Home and Program

After fifteen years in the Small Beguinage, Art Cinema OFFoff moves to Kunsthal Gent as its permanent venue (the former Caermersklooster). Although the ingeniously designed screening space is still under construction, OFFoff will present a program full of connections between cinema, radio and performance during the grand reopening weekend of Kunsthal (25–27 January). In their broadcast on the 26th, for example, Black Audio Film Collective’s Edward George will bring a live communication audio piece in which he shares the research processes and thinking that supported the creation of the seminal film he made with John Akomfrah, The Last Angel of History (1996). On Sunday, a program of screenings, try-outs and performances is curated and presented by artists involved in Atelier OFFoff – the open, participative place within OFFoff for and by beginning filmmakers and artists. That afternoon program will include work by Celine Aernoudt, Koen Blauwblomme, Tim Choin, Agnese Galiotto, Manon De Sutter, Stine Sampers, Frederik Croene, Lucie Doležalová, Matthias Yzebaert, Yonas Seyoum, Deveny Faruque and Markéta de Borggraef. Designed by Joris Verdoodt and Mathieu Serruys, OFFoff also has a new visual identity and new website where you can find the full program and more information.offoffnewmanondesutterMijn zaad is zwart. Waar is de wereld? (Manon De Sutter, 2016)

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