Želimir Žilnik: Free Online Screenings

As part of Želimir Žilnik's exhibition Shadow Citizens (April 19 – June 17, Oldenburg), more than twenty of his films will be available for online viewing. Many of these are rarely screened and all are being made available online to this extent for the first time. The program will trace various periods and different working conditions within Žilnik’s practice. The online screenings are organized in five parts, each available for viewing for two weeks. The first program of five films has been put online on April 22 and runs until May 6. Further screening dates will be announced on zilnikzelimir.net, a website that's also a precious resource of writing on Žilnik’s work by many critics and colleagues.

In 2014, Želimir Žilnik was in Ghent and Brussels for a presentation of his work and a conversation (available here) in the context of Figures of Dissent.

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