Deus e o Diabo na Terra do Sol

Deus e o Diabo na Terra do Sol
Deus e o Diabo na Terra do Sol , Glauber Rocha, 1964, 120’

After killing his employer when said employer tries to cheat him out of his payment, a man becomes an outlaw and starts following a self-proclaimed saint.


“Here’s my rifle to save the poor from starving”



“What replaces the correlation of the political and the private is the coexistence, to the point of absurdity, of very different social stages. It is in this way that, in Glauber Rocha’s work, the myths of the people, prophetism and banditism, are the archaic obverse of capitalist violence, as if the people were turning and increasing against themselves the violence that they suffer from somewhere else out of a need for idolization (Deus e o Diabo na Terra do Sol, ‘Black God and White Devil’). Gaining awareness is disallowed either because it takes place in the air, as with the intellectual, or because it is compressed into a hollow, as with Antonio das Mortes, capable only of grasping the juxtaposition of two violences and the continuation of one by the other.”

Stoffel Debuysere1


“Brazil taught me to laugh. For me the comic is the height of intelligence. It is the Brazilians’ intelligence which makes them laugh. Of course I love the chanchadas [musical comedies, Trans.]. Of course I have replaced the ‘politique des auteurs’ by the ‘politics of friends’: Ah, how much I feel myself to be a friend of John Ford whom I have never met, and no doubt fortunately for me. Glauber Rocha would say to me: ‘My friendships are not psychological, they are epic.’ I find this statement fantastic.”

Sylvie Pierre2

  • 1Stoffel Debuysere, “The People are Missing”, Diagonal Thoughts, July 2012.
  • 2Bill Krohn, “Interview with Sylvie Pierre”, Senses of Cinema, December 2002.
KASKcinema, Ghent
